
/ Vivek Kale Nature Photography



Drosera Burmannii, दवबिंदूंचे मायावी जाळे.
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October 2009
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Drosera burmannii ( दवबिंदूं ) is a small tropical sundew. It was first described by Johannes Burman 18th Century botanist, but the species was not formally published until 1794 when Martin Vahl named it in honor of Burman as Drosera burmanni. It is one of the compact species in the carnivorous plant genus Drosera of size, only 20-25 mm in diameter (roughly of the size of one Indian rupee coin). Drosera burmannii ( दवबिंदूं )traps the insects very fast and its leaves can curl around the prey insect in few seconds, compared to the minutes or hours it takes other sundews to trap the prey. Drosera burmannii is an herb that produces short stems and leaves in a rosette. (a rosette is a circular arrangement of leaves, with all the leaves at a particular height.) Tiny creamy white flowers are produced in groups on 6–15 cm tall racemose inflorescences, (An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch.).
समजा आपण एक उडणारा छोटा किडा आहोत. गवताच्या गालिच्यावरुन भरारी मारत फुलांमधील रस गोळा करत उडताना अचानक, तुम्हाला आकर्षक चकाकणारे मध, द्रुष्टित येते. मध आकर्षक मध चव घेण्यास खुणावते. अत्यानंदाने तुम्ही त्या दिशेने झेपावता. जवळ जाताच मन्त्रमुग्ध करणारा सुगन्ध तुम्हास बेहोश करतो. स्वर्गच जणु. एवढे दिवस आपणास हा स्वर्ग का सापडला नाही ? असा एक खुळा प्रश्न पडतो. मोह न आवरता तुम्ही त्या मधुकणांवर उतरता. मध चवीष्ट वाटते. घट्ट चिकट मधात तुमचा एक पाय अडकतो. पाय ओढता ओढता, दुसरा पाय चिकटतो. काही कळण्याच्या आतच, तिसरा व चौथा पाय अडकतो. गोड मधात उगाच उतरलो असे वाटू लागते. जीवाची कासावीस सुरु होते. धडपडीत पंखसुद्धा मधात फसतात. थोड्या वेळात वनस्पती तुम्हाला घेरते. अंगात जळजळ सुरु होते. जीवंत रहाण्याची आशा मावळते. तुम्ही जर नशिबवान असाल तर गुदमरुन लवकर मराल पण नसाल तर ताटकळत वेदना सहन करत मराल. हि आहे घातक दवबिंदू वनस्पतीची मायावी दुनिया. वरिल घटनाक्रम एखाद्या किड्या मुंग्यांच्या भयाणपटातील आहे असे वाटत असले तरी हि सत्यपरिस्थिती आहे.


Drosera burmannii ( दवबिंदूं )
The plant flowers in September to December duration. The plant has long tentacles on its leaves. These stalks are tipped with glands which are often brightly attractive red colored. The glands exude attractive nectar, adhesive compounds, and digestive enzymes. Insects that land on the leaves stick fast and are digested. Nearby glandular tentacles are stimulated and also adhere to the insect, the entire leaf coils around the prey.
The tentacles can bend in any direction. But when a prey is caught on a leaf, all the tentacles know the direction to bend towards. In Drosera burmannii, the tentacle motion is faster. Some of the glands can bend 180 degree in just tens of seconds. The 'nectar' on the end of the glands is sticky liquid glue which is capable of ensnaring an insect larger than the leaf itself.


Drosera burmannii ( दवबिंदूं )
Once prey becomes stuck on one of these blobs of glue, any frantic struggling will simply cause it to come into further contact with neighboring glands, pinning the animal to the leaf. The plant has retaining glands which fold from the outside of the leaf in towards the centre to help to restrain the insect. The leaf itself curls around the victim, thus ensuring a meal.
For most insects, death is caused by suffocation since the breathing holes on the side of the insect soon become clogged with mucilage. Once prey is pinned down, the leaf secretes digestive fluids from sessile glands along the body of the leaf. These work on reducing the fleshy internal part of the insect into a nutrient soup which is subsequently absorbed by the plant.


Drosera burmannii ( दवबिंदूं )
Once digestion and absorption is complete, the leaf returns to its ready state, leaving to dried exoskeleton to be washed away by rainfall, or simply left as a macabre warning to other insects.Drosera burmannii cannot obtain nitrates from soil due to the absence of nitrate reeducates and other essential enzymes for absorbing them.
It obtains nutrients solely from the capture of prey insects. Basically when it comes to carnivorous plants, the lower the quantity of soil nutrients and the higher the quotient of sunlight and rainfall, the greater their reliance on carnivory. Accordingly most carnivorous plants grow where sunlight and water are plentiful and nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates are low.


Drosera burmannii ( दवबिंदूं )


Drosera burmannii ( दवबिंदूं )
Drosera burmannii ( दवबिंदूं )

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